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What is Chair Yoga?
... chair.Standing postures, such as Triangle and Warrior variations, can be practiced seated, or standing, with the aid of a chair. You can practice Sun Salutations or Vinyasa, (flowing postures), from seated or standing positions.Contrary to popular opinion, Chair Yoga is not for seniors only. Most of us take our good health for granted. The physically handicapped have no age...more
Use Yoga For Your Health activity. These same studies also show that there are numerous psychological benefits due to the meditative nature of yoga. You not only get a stronger body with improved flexibility, but your get a stronger, more flexible mental attitude. Therefore, using yoga for your health is a positive benefit on many levels.Some studies have shown that when you practice yoga, you become more in tune...more
Live In The Present, Not The Past Or The Future
...e have. This being November (already!) it's natural for us Americans to think along these lines with our Thanksgiving Holiday on the way in a couple of weeks. For most of us, the list includes intangibles like love, health, family relationships, friends, happiness, and others. For some there may be material things on the list as well. Whatever is...more
Perform Random Acts of Kindness
...criptures - doesn't it come down to treating others as we would wish to be treated? I've heard (and I believe) that how we treat others whom we don't need or want something from is a measure of our character.There are some great examples at Lotus7. There are teachers who donate their time to teach blind and elderly students. An inspiring case is one of our students, Teri Pike, who take...more
What to Look for When Hiring a Yoga Teacher (Part 1)
...s Yoga became more and more popular, many experienced Yoga teachers found themselves “out of the loop.”Some Yoga teachers, with decades of Yoga teaching experience, had no credentials, diploma, or “paper trail.” The “paper chase” was on, and when it came to credentials, a new “playing field” had been created.Wi...more


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