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Hatha Yoga
...d strong body and a relaxed, stress free mind.In the late 19th century, T. Krishnamacharya, a yoga teacher in Mysore Palace in south India, was the source of most modern Hatha Yoga. His disciples B.K.S. Iyengar, K.Pattabhi Jois and Indira Devi, and his son T.K.V. Desikachar, were instrumental in setting up their schools and...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - How Long Should Warm-Ups Be?
... tense up in the winter, therefore, the time of year and the region where you live can be a factor.Finally, the purpose of the warm-up may also differ. Older students, who practice in Vinyasa or Power Yoga classes, should warm up, a little more, than younger students. Older students should be aware of pre-existing injuries and take care of them.© C...more
Can you Lose Weight Without Exercising?
...ase weight loss. Those two factors combined make for a lighter, healthier you as you age.Guided Imagery. There was a study done with a controlled group of people; one half listened to Guided-imagery recordings that were used to promote weight loss, the other half listened to relaxing music. The Guided Imagery lis...more
Yoga and MS
...y tissue, the myelin surrounding nerves in the brain and spinal cord. These myelin sheaths perform the same function as insulation around an electrical wire. Without the myelin insulation, nerve impulses from brain to body can short out and become confused, misdirected, or be completely blocked. Symptoms can include num...more
Yoga and Pregnancy Benefits
...tion into more physical exercise. And the benefits of yoga do not only encompass the pregnant woman; yoga can assist in the mental and physical development of the growing fetus.Yoga exercises are not the only elements to focus on when performing a yoga routine. A complete, rounded yoga routine for a pregnant woman should include not only the yoga exercises, but also proper breath...more


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