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Deciding When To Do Yoga
...pends on your personal schedule and preferences.People who take classes at a studio or gym may be have less options because they have to go at the set time of the class. Although, many studios and gyms offer at least some selection between different classes during the day. People who do it on their own at home will have more leeway in choosin...more
The Perseverance of Teaching Yoga, Part 2
...erence between those who think about becoming a Yoga teacher and those who become a Yoga teacher is action. Determination and perseverance do count against all the odds.The last ingredient toward successfully teaching Yoga is to maintain your own personal practice and continue your education on Yogic subjects as th...more
The Benefits of Chanting
... you will find yourself transported to another realm. It will activate your body’s natural healing processes. To prepare a chanting space, light incense, a candle, or oil lamp. Place flowers before your favorite sacred object or in a vase before you, and then chant along with a CD.For yoga or exercise: Use c...more
Different Stages of Yoga
...Stages of Yoga Generally, Yoga consists of and is described in eight stages astanga-yoga, (‘eight-membered Yoga’). Yama (‘restraint’) denoting abstinence from injury (ahimsa), falsehood, stealing, lust, and avarice is the first stage; with niyama (‘observance’), denoting cleanliness of body, content...more
Yoga - A Path To Peace
...side and enjoy the afternoon sun. Our conversations covered many topics, including our kids, our work, how some of us loved yoga, and, of course, eating and food. As the only dietitian in the group, eventually (as always seems to happen), the topic turned to dieting and weight control.Several of the women had been on a...more


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