
Couples Instructional Yoga Video Dvd


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Workouts to Lose Weight - Drop 10 Pounds in 20 Days
... are one of the many who is looking for the perfect companion to your new diet, and are ready to shift gears a bit (no pun intended) conversationally, read on as we explore...Let me first say this: Gone are the day that exercise was a tedious, time consuming chore to be performed on high school bleachers, and old dusky gymnasiums with rooms filled with spandex wearing ...more
Natural Remedy for Arthritis
...itioner.Detoxification processes including enemas and panchakarma are beneficial in treating arthritis. It removes much of the accumulated toxic wastes and gives relief to pain.Narayana oil and Sahacharadi oil are beneficial massage oils that have the power to bring down arthritis pain. The effect of the oils depends primarily on your body type.Na...more
Making Money as a Yoga Instructor are usually from teaching clients in their home or office.Private clientele can range from office working professionals to professional athletes, and everything in between. Private clients are looking for quality yoga instruction and are willing to pay for it. Teaching classes to groups, costs a bit less per student, and is usually priced around $15-$20 each for a drop-in rat...more
Exercise Benefits for Fibromyalgia Sufferers
...out there on the market today, and it can be confusing what’s good for Fibromyalgia sufferers. I mean, just turn the television on and you will see a bun slimmer here or a weight loss machine there, you may even hear of a total fitness machine to help your strength and overall health. All of this is nice but what can help with Fibromyalgia and e...more
Karma Yoga - The Yoga Of Selfless Service
...sly and is action, which purifies the Antahkarana (the heart and mind) in preparation for achieving consciousness of the Divine. Karma Yoga is service without attachment or egoism.Although all actions cause Karma and all actions on the material plane are made up of both good and bad Karma, you cannot...more


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