
Clip Video Yoga


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The Origins of Yoga
...ith the Supreme."For yoga enthusiasts, this is the supreme goal. It is the identification with unchanging reality. It takes dedicated practice to reach the perfect sutra.It takes plenty of dedicated practice on concentration, contemplation, and meditation to move you toward the final sutra of Samadhi. With this sutra, you develop a tremendous amount of willpower.Tod...more
Yoga: The Complete Science of Life
...ffers a little vacation from the everyday grind.Yoga encourages us to remove the physical and mental obstacles in our lives that create stress and take us out of balance. It supports us in developing personal practices that cultivate a sense of light, harmony, health, and well-being.Yoga benefits people of all ages, men and women, marathoners and the athletically challenged. Millions of...more
What Is Hatha Yoga?
...y for your spiritual realization and the important of making it an integral part of your life.The whole meaning of this word is harmonizing your body or soul. The principle on which hatha yoga works is feeling, thinking, willing and acting. These all when come in perfect balance which makes it a perfect etern...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Summer Slow Down’s face it, Yoga teachers who live in Northern climates have been looking forward to a break from the “winter chill.” Your Yoga students have also been looking forward to the warm weather and they want to take a vacation. What can Yoga teachers and Yoga studios do to compensate for the “Sumer Slow Down?”You have taught...more
Yoga - A Healthier Lifestyle More Easily
...eedom that makes many people seek more of the 'good stuff' that life has available for those who wish to take advantage of it.And this powerful positive energy force becomes greater as it spills over into more and more areas of a person's lifestyle. Each area brings the body and the mind into greater harmony with one another.By eliminating the imbalance t...more
