
Beginners Yoga Exercise Video


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Going Gaga over Yoga look—practicing yoga that is.But, aside from staying fit through practicing of yoga there is so much more about the discipline that people should know.THE TRUTH ABOUT YOGABefore becoming gaga over yoga, you should familiarize yourself first about what yoga really is, its origin, the many underlying premises behind the ...more
Yoga Meditation Technique
...ractice.There's an old saying “before enlightenment chop wood, carry water – after enlightenment chop wood carry water.”We could change that to “before enlightenment run water, wash dishes – after enlightenment run water, wash dishes.”So how do you apply the ancient yoga secret of washing dishes?Remember every second of washing the dishes is your yoga practice so stay focused and observe the fines...more
Yoga Meditation to Envision Success rich, but they do have wealth and a deep purpose in life.Do you wonder about your purpose in this life? When your purpose is noble, there is no harm in envisioning success. Yet, you must still find your purpose, calling, or Dharma. Positive energy, without a purpose, can easily be wasted.When we discuss positive energy, consider a child full of enthusia...more
Can Tai Chi or Yoga Ease Back Pain? when your back is painful is that the yoga exercises go a long way to stretching the spine. By doing these exercises the stretching is taking the pressure off of the vertebrae and so alleviating the compression. This will greatly reduce back pain.The other advantage to using Tai Chi or Yoga is that neither is expensive, they are both good for healing as well as a person’s long...more
Yoga Primer 101
...of others2. Niyamas: This is all about self examination and how you treat yourself 3. Asana or physical poses 4. Pranayama or breathing exercises 5. Prathayara or withdrawal of the senses-this is part of meditation 6. Dharana or Concentration 7. Dhyana or Meditation 8. Samadhi or Enlightenment-the final peak of your disci...more
