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What Exactly is a Yoga Swing? off the ground, or you can use the sling and rope handles in conjunction with one arm or leg so that you are only partially suspend. It just depends on what position you need to accomplish.Using a swing is a great addition to your regular yoga routine. It allows you the choice of suspending forward or backwards during an inversi...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 6 is one of my personal favorites and can be performed mentally. Some consider this to be difficult, but it does lead to higher states of consciousness. Since this is such a “low key” form of Japa, you can easily fit it into your busy day. If you pray in silence during the day, you have already practiced in this way.Some Mantra Yogis use a Rosary or “Mala...more
Yoga Instructor Training - The Yoga Diet And Its Focus On Nutrition
...a practice, for centuries. For the whole health benefit of yoga, one must pay close attention to nutrition.Discussions about yoga, and yoga benefits, are mostly centered on the movements of the practice. The focus on holistic nutrition is often swept aside. Yet, this is an essential element of whole body health. In a society where pre-packaged foods are easier to find than fresh vegetables and fr...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga, Pranayama, and Cancer Recovery instructors need to remember that yoga therapy requires adapting yoga practice to individual needs. Each student's case will be different. Each class period will be different. Teachers must also learn to be healers and "go the extra mile" for any student recovering from cancer.Those recovering from cancer, who choose yoga practice to assis...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga and Sciatica
...h each pose as deep as it comfortable for them. Yoga students with free range of movement are able to push their limits.Sciatica sufferers, however, must take care not to further damage their backs or cause additional pain. Remind students to continue to regularly practice their yoga poses even after pain is gone. Regular yoga exercises maintain health all around for a higher ...more
