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The Restorative Pose
... has a When we are stressed the body contracts so that the cells do not get the nourishment and oxygen that they need. The muscles contract and can become stiff and painful. A classic example is developing a stiff and sore neck and shoulders as a result of feeling stressed. We pollute our own bodies by creating toxic ch...more
Interested In History? How About The History Of Yoga? turn facilitate with increased flexibility. It can also be extremely useful to facilitate meditation. Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years.Some Yoga devotees claim that Yoga history starts with a carving of a man sitting cross legged with outstretched arms which as found on a seal which itself is thought to be around 8000 years old.And...more
The Westernization of Yoga or Why Stretching & Flexibility is Not Yoga
...efit, or for the benefit of others.I am not saying that going to a Yoga class and stretching for an hour is of no benefit. Not at all. There are plenty of benefits which anyone can and will get from even this limited practice. However, since their practice is on the gross or physical plane, most of the benefits will be limited to this physical plane: Better Health. And so the most Yoga, or Union...more
In the Presence of BKS Iyengar
...ace appeared and continued seemingly forever until every cell of our bodies were filled with gratitude for this great man and his life’s work. And then class began. Each senior teacher took turns teaching a yoga pose to the crowd and, after giving their best instruction, the master would speak: “Observe your mind…what is its state? Now (in tadasana), bring the inner skin of the b...more
Yoga: Three Reasons you should not do Yoga Posture - Child's Posture
...etal position and it is simple for those who are flexible as a child. If you have a need of a posture that does not fold you completely into flexion you can place your hands alongside your head.For those who have good flexibility in the spine and healthy knee joints this posture will be easy to achieve bu...more
