
Yoga Teacher Program


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Back To Nature With Naked Yoga
...more intimate level with other studentsClasses can be any size and groups are often mixed. Whilst on paper this may seem to have some sexual connotations, this is not the aim of many of those who attend. Naked yoga provides a freedom of movement and increases the ability to be able to focus on the postures and the correct lines without being hampered by restrictive clothes and in addition, it ena...more
Power of Yoga
...bly to achieve this harmony and helps the mind work in sync with the body. Stress, which has become the bane of our fast paced existence, can be truly alleviated through Yoga.In fact yoga equals meditation. Both work together in achieving the common goal of unity of mind, body and spirit – a state of eternal bliss. The meditative practices ...more
...ur world. You will probably find that you cannot diet and then go back to your old ways of eating and living and expect to maintain your weight loss. To really keep those changes you worked so hard for, you’re going to have to change how you eat for the rest of your life. You will probably need to include some kind of exercise, too.You can exercis...more
Knowing The Yoga Exercise Ball held by everyone. However, with the use of the Yoga exercise ball and a handy wall, it is made possible for everyone to perform it. Beginning students of the Hatha Yoga can achieve the benefits endowed by the Chakrasana for several minutes with the use of the Yoga exercise ball.The Chakrasana is one pose that can b...more
Yoga Teacher Training - Explaining Attachment to Outcome
...f meditative absorption, with this kind of a mindset, we are guaranteed to do nothing with it. What a shame it would be if every enlightened soul, saint, and prophet, throughout history, worried about being attached to outcome. Can you imagine if every inventor, explorer, and statesman, in our history, refused to take action, because he or she might be too attached to an outcome? ...more
