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The Truth About Christian Yoga
...d great commandment.39: And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.40: On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.A point worth mentioning: Love, peace, tolerance, forgiveness, equality, and inclusion, should be a part of every religious leader's daily life. If you find yourself in the midst of intolerance and hate, you may want to consider going...more
Enjoy The Amazing Ashtanga Yoga Practice
...very practice. It can help to be more proficient by maintaining a pose for a longer period and hold your breath during this time. This is a great breathing exercise that will maximize the internal fire and will help the nervous system to grow stronger.Both Tristhana and Ashtanga deal with the sequence of Dristhi. The Dristhi is specified as the time when you achieve your attention or focus whi...more
An Introduction to the Different Types of Yoga
...tyle aims to encourage insight and awareness of the self. Although not as dynamic as some other yoga styles, this style does work as deeply on both the mental and physical levels. It is a popular style in America.Viniyoga Yoga - a gentle style that integrates movement, breathing and awareness in order to improve bo...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Establishing Guidelines for Student Conduct
...hing Hatha Yoga: Establishing Guidelines for Student Conduct Once you have decided to become a Yoga teacher, you begin to see behavior in the Yoga class differently. You are no longer a Yoga student, but a Yoga teacher who is trying to cover the class lesson plan, within a specific time frame.Most Yoga teachers work with adults, so I will not cover children’s issues o...more
Understanding Yoga As We Know It been widely research.As yoga relaxes and calms the mind and body and offer many other benefits, for instant uplifting of your mood; it is not surprising that physicians and scientist are keen on it and much has been written on the subject. Yoga also helps in healing and maintains health. Together there are six types of yoga and they are Raja Yoga, Karma Y...more
