
Registered Yoga Teacher Alliance


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Yoga Styles- Guide to The Most Popular Types
...y. The purpose of the traditional Hatha Yoga was to achieve balance between mind and body through moral discipline and physical exercises, which are expressed by a series of asana: postures, panorama: breathing and meditation.Western culture adopted mainly the physical aspects of the Hatha Yoga and ignored the moral aspects, usually even the breathing and meditations aspects. All the y...more
Yoga: Poses And Postures
...s and concentration—all the basic guidelines of Yoga—both spiritual and physical are involved in Yoga poses. The tree balance is one of the many Yoga poses where the key is to relax and clear your mind. Not thinking about the difficulty of the pose itself—releasing tension—that is the mental aspect of several...more
Postures that Promote Mental Health
...or even clear a path of sight through the gloom. It might also increase feelings of empowerment for sufferers, by showing them a way to treat themselves better.If you’re new to yoga, the hardest thing might be actually making it to the mat; but even if you start with just a few poses a day, you may find that you’re soon ready to do more. The slow, deep breathing, the yoga postures and the me...more
Stress Management - Yoga
...hrough mouth at fast pace, this way air is passed properly through blood capillaries and the person feels himself in light mode and he feels that there is no burden over their mind and soul.Dhyana (Meditation) :A person sits in a posture usually in relaxing mode and concentrate his mind over one point with eyes closed. The mind is concentrated...more
Why is Teaching Yoga so Rewarding? Part 2
...time, while the world is in “9 to 5 mode.”Having time to spend with your family, enjoying life, and having the “time to smell the flowers,” are newfound parts of a Yoga teacher’s life. What is more important than the quality time you have to spend with loved ones and friends? Yoga gives all of us time to reflect on the real priorities in life and Yoga practice could be compared to a brief vacat...more


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