
Registered With The Yoga As 200hour Teacher Traini


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There's Help for Asthma in Yoga
...xtremely effective Relaxation Pose.Yes, you guessed it right, just simply lie flat on your back and breathe in a controlled and rhythmic pattern. By practicing rhythmic, controlled breathing techniques daily, the respiratory muscles and lungs develop the ability to breathe more slowly all the time, meaning less stress on the airways in general.In add...more
Weight Loss and Yoga
... force yourself into anything. Take your time.The experience is what is most important, not what you look like in the mirror. When your body becomes stronger and more flexible, your mind and emotional well-being will become strong and flexible, too. A daily practice of yoga could very well open the door to self-acceptance. It's a spiritual awakening.When you accept yourself as the beautiful ex...more
Surfing in 5 Easy Steps
...l you have mastered the whitewater.Putting in a good amount of time in the kiddies pool will mean that you are more able and experienced to take on the back break when the conditions are right.3. Use the right surfboard.A surfboard that has enough flotation for your body size will be crucial to how easy it will be to stand up.Remember the more flotation, the easier it will be to stand up but it w...more
In the Presence of BKS Iyengar
...e mindful practice of yoga. He wants us to see what he sees and know the importance of every nuance on the path to freedom. As his students he calls us to study long, observe carefully and learn to be fully human so that we might serve others in the highest sense.Having myself studied and performed the basic yoga poses thousands of times over the past 25 years, I still scurried between ...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - Reduced Anxiety and Blood Pressure in lowering my blood pressure. I went from readings of 190/120 to 115/62. My doctor was shocked and amazed. I have found ways to incorporate brief yoga breaks into my life. I do little “bites” of yoga all day long. Just dropping my tongue to the bottom of my mouth makes such a big difference in how I feel, both physically and mental...more


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