
Power Yoga Teacher Certification


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Yoga Positions for Beginners - Experienced Easy to Follow Steps
...e head to knee pose, the cobbler's pose, the seated forward bend, the seated wide legged straddle and the like. Now, these yoga positions may look quite difficult at first but once you get the hand of it, it is really easy to do. Besides, since you are still a beginner, your yoga instructor will not really push you to do a more complicat...more
Ten Reasons to Attend a Yoga Retreat
...a practice. Often you will receive more hours of yoga instruction during a retreat than a whole session of weekly yoga classes! Extended yoga practice allows more time for the body to unwind, release, let go, and find peace in your body, mind, and spirit.(4) The People The people I have met on yoga retreats are some of the most enlightened, intelligent and thoughtful people I have c...more
Yoga Can Help You to Lose Weight
...ess weight than the non-yoga participants.This is not necessarily staggering results but it gets better! Both men and women who were overweight at the beginning of the period and who started to practice yoga lost about five pounds, while those who were yoga free gained an average of 14 pounds within the next ten years. Now that is news! Imagine what the results would be for people prac...more
Chair Yoga Case Study - A Path to Inner Peace much more aware of my posture and how if affects the rhythm of my breath.In the short time that I have been practicing chair yoga I have received so many physical and emotional benefits that I get upset when I have to miss class. I have incorporated some of the poses into my daily life.I was living an inco...more
Pregnancy Yoga
...ctor facilitates sharing in a supportive environment, and the friendships that are made can provide the support you need during the early days of motherhood.By attending pregnancy yoga classes, you will experience your pregnancy in a deeper way. Pregnancy yoga helps you come to understand pregnancy as a rite o...more


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