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Five Reasons Why You Should Not be a Yoga Teacher well. This is not always the case, as there are skeletal limitations within some Yoga students. This is not to say that they cannot increase, or improve, their flexibility, but each person’s body is unique.“Teaching Yoga costs too much money.”This is true in some cases; however, you can shop around for the best course at the most affordable price. Some onsite Yoga training faci...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Identify the Cause
...ple become violent toward other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians, on the road, but they do not know the people they threaten. The consequences of one violent action can be fatal or life altering.Therefore, stress overload can potentially become a violent situation, and the cause should be identified, before it...more
Bhakti Yoga, The Yoga of Love
...nsideration.Bhakti Yoga is the fastest way, indeed the most direct way, of attaining God Consciousness. This is because love is the strongest emotion an aspirant can feel and it puts other considerations, even knowledge of the scriptures, into second place. All types of yoga, all forms of knowledge, are based on true faith, true devotion, on true Bhakti Yoga...more
The Purpose Of Yoga - Anger Management Secrets Of Listening
...son to explain his or her viewpoint, and just listen.When you explain that you will listen, it is upon the condition that the other party does not shout. You will have “air time” to calmly express your views and you will “stick to the issues at hand.” For optimum success, old issues should be addressed at a separate time.Differences can be ...more
Executive Health - How Can You Cope?
...ges when someone cuts you off or you perceive a threat coming at you? Usually your breathing gets faster and you are not the calmest person on the planet at that point in time. Usually you have to wait until your breathing is more relaxed in order to think clearly.Similarly, we can use this knowledge to breathe more deeply and completely to calm down our mental state du...more
