
Integrative Yoga Teacher Traininge


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Hot Yoga Therapy
...s and is carried out in a room heated to about 34 degrees Celsius. Thus, it comes as no surprise to hear that many people have nicknamed Bikram yoga the “hot yoga"."That's the main way in which Bikram differs from other types of yoga. I personally feel it’s a perfect combination of yoga, a work out and ...more
Enjoy Yoga with a Good and Comfortable Yoga Mat
...need to consider in choosing the right yoga mat for you. The first and foremost thing that you should keep in mind while choosing a mat is what type of yoga you practice. Now, there are different yoga mats intended to be used for the different yoga styles. If you are practicing a yoga style that requires jumping from one form to another, like the Ashtanga yoga, you need a mat tha...more
Hatha Yoga for Prevention of Ailments
...physicians I speak with say the same thing. Decades of neglect, due to negligence of health, are difficult to undo.This is not meant to place the blame on the client, student, or patient, for a health condition. Some health conditions are difficult to suppress, due to genetic factors. People cannot simply change their genetic make up, but they can turn poor habits into pro-active good health...more
Scoliosis Exercise: Yoga as an Effective Option for Pain Relief
... (sunken chest). Pectus excavatum is generally caused due to tight muscles across one’s chest and back and soft bones in the rib cage and spine.The One leg up and one leg out scoliosis exercise have been found to be very effective in reducing muscular tension in legs. The Seated twist is a good remedy for the treatment of thoracic twist. This exercise also helps to rectify the alignmen...more
Benefits Of Bikram Yoga Poses
...reases flexibility and makes practising these poses and holding them as required easier. People can reach a deeper level of physical practice more quickly.These levels of heat also increase sweating, and will help you to expel toxins from the body. They also help reduce the risk of injury during practice. The actual Bikram yoga poses themselves are designed to strengthen ...more
