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Yoga and Meditation - What a Great Combination
...etched and massaged as well as all the organs and glands, this helps flush out the toxins form each and every nook and cranny in the body. This also helps to provide the body with the needed nourishment. Yoga can also help slow the aging process and boost your zest for life.Yoga offers these great physical benefits because it helps to harmonize your mind and body. Th...more
Yoga For Insomnia
...ular exercise, of any sort, helps a person sleep at night. Vigorous exercise, done during the day, leads to looser, more relaxed muscles, at night, and creates a natural drowsiness at the end of the day. This is, in part, due to endorphins released from the activity.Highly active exercise is not recommended right before bedtime. It stimulates the body and raises the heart rate. These are not th...more
Let's Assess Doing Yoga Without Clothing, Shall We?
...see that I recently wrote about chair yoga. Well, another form of this ancient exercise is one that apparently is gaining a lot of popularity, it’s known as Nude Yoga.Not that I’m much of a guru to pass judgment, but if I were to be asked what I thought about doing yoga poses without clothing I would say, I think the concept is...okay, especially if privacy i...more
Insider Secrets to the Business of Teaching Yoga, Part 2
... found nothing particularly enlightening about going to bed on an empty stomach as a child. The Salvation Army Store has better clothes than I had. It did teach me humility and never to look down on others who are less privileged than I am. Why not put that into practice now and forget about poverty? It’s ...more
Even If You Lift Weights, You Still Need Some Yoga
...lly flexible regardless of how big you may get. For a clue, observe another distant cousin, the gorilla. And what does it consume, Primarily fruits and leaves depending on its habitats, thus it is safe to say your diet should be quite similar…and it’s not a co-incidence that this is the same diet that most Yoga sages recommend for practice.So, if you want to gain some degree of bulk a...more
