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Teaching Hatha Yoga: Cueing Insights
...all people learn by “doing.” In comparison, only a small percentage (10 to 20%) of your Yoga students will retain what you demonstrate or what they hear.Below are some examples of what never to do when cueing your Yoga students.The Introverted Yoga InstructorOver the past few decades, I have found introverted Yoga teachers t...more
The Relationship between Yoga, Meditation, and Self-Hypnosis
... Valley. Despite the evidence that each of these methods creates peace of mind, within the practitioner, they have only recently gained worldwide attention for their results.Meditation is often linked to Yoga, since it is one of the many aspects of Yoga. However, meditation is also a separate entity and has existed in almost every corner of the earth for a ve...more
Yoga in Practice: Train Your Mind for Empowerment, Part 3
...s an emergency, there will be no gap in time, and your action will most likely be reaction. Therefore, our reactions are not always rational, or positive, but with regular Yoga practice, that will change.Earlier, I mentioned that you should “eat, sleep, and drink” positive energy. However, with the practice ...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Wheel
.... It strengthens the spine, upper back, arms, shoulders, wrists, buttocks, thighs and abdomen. It stretches the chest and the lungs. It stimulates the cardiovascular system, thyroid and pituitary glands. The Wheel gives a boosts of energy, great vitality and feeling of lightness. It counteracts depression. By practicing this asana the glandular, digestive...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Class Presentation
... have politely answered a question. At the same time, be prepared to elaborate with your students after, or before, your Yoga classes.You may also want to share a small example of Yogic philosophy, or a quote, applied to daily life, at some point during your class. I usually cover something related to daily life at the end of class, after meditation.As much as the importance of st...more
