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Yoga For Cancer Afflicted Folks
...ed to perform selective yoga exercises. They are refrained from doing complex yoga asanas as it may affect them adversely due to their weak physical state.Before taking up yoga, a cancer patient must consult an experienced Yogi. The yogi would suggest only those exercises that serve the patient’s purpose well.So,...more
Important Information About Sahaja Yoga
...o receive physical benefits such as the alleviation, prevention and even the cure of illnesses. It also helps a person to attain balance and the absolute highest level of enlightenment. Giving up the self-destructive habits in life such as smoking, drinking, drugs and overeating are a major part of the practice of sahaja yoga which...more
Killer Exercises You Can do Right From The Comforts of Your Home - Achieve Stunning Results
...your weight normal. You see there are some extremely effective exercises you can do right from the comforts of your home and achieve earth shattering results within no time. Read on to discover what these exercises are and how you can use them to attain maximum results...Staircase workout- This is probably the easiest and the best workout you can do right from the...more
Yoga Styles- Guide to The Most Popular Types
... The purpose of the traditional Hatha Yoga was to achieve balance between mind and body through moral discipline and physical exercises, which are expressed by a series of asana: postures, panorama: breathing and meditation.Western culture adopted mainly the physical aspects of the Hatha Yoga and ignored the moral aspects, usually even the breathing and meditatio...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Is a Hatha Yoga Teacher a Karma Yogi?, without any consideration of a reward. Many times, we may consider a religious leader to fit this description.However, people who seek change for justice, and the common good, are not always religious leaders. Some may have been considered revolutionaries in their time, politicians, public servants, social workers, teachers, or som...more


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