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Yoga in Practice: Train Your Mind for Empowerment, Part 2
...ntment down on your daily schedule to make “solo” time for yourself. This is time that you set aside for yourself - just like an appointment for your hair stylist. That is also why some people have a personal coach, life coach, personal trainer, or Yoga teacher.However, this time should be used wisely, and you should be living in the present moment when you practice any facet...more
Yoga in the Workplace
...w its recognition is increasing into the corporate working culture. These days' employees and employers are becoming more conscious about the simplicity of yoga and its benefits. Looking at the present scenario, it has been widely accepted and available during leisure time in community centers, and even fitness centers. As per recent studies, it has the ability to r...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Creating Happiness From Within
... driving force, which opens the gateway to happiness, euphoria, and tranquility.Happiness transcends far beyond power, money, material, and lust, but many people confuse it for a one dimensional possession. Money and power can help or destroy us. The choice is up to us, because in reality, we are only the temporary...more
Some Different Types of Yoga Poses
...ight foot with your foot on the outer side of your right knee. Next you should try to keep your spine straight and bring your right heel much closer to your buttocks and stretch your arms out to your shoulder level. Next you bring your right arm over the left knee and hold your left foot close. After this you place your left hand on th...more
Yoga Benefits For All
... hands-on art. Practitioners use the laying of the hands as well as gestures in the air to channel the energy. Reiki brings back and balances the energy in your body.Experts normally agree that Reiki is very simple to use and can be learned easily. In order for the life force energy to work, the recipient has to be willing to accept change and tur...more


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