Yoga Tantra

Ausarian Tantra Yoga


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Exercising In Old Age - Keep It Simple!
...watering stimulates most of the muscles and gives you an all-round medium-impact workout. It also increases strength and endurance, and is a proven stress-reliever.SwimmingAs your body is supported by water, swimming is perfect for preventing pain in the joints, especially for those suffering from arthritis or osteoporosis.Yoga...more
Benefits of Yoga
...nize the mind with the body and it is this that results in real quantum benefits.It is now an open secret that the will of the mind has enabled people to achieve extraordinary physical feats, which proves beyond doubt the mind and body connection.In fact yoga = meditation, because both work together in achieving the common goal of unity of mind, body and spirit which can lead to...more
Yoga Meditation 101: Breath Awareness and Posture
... and lumbar support, this is ideal for seated Yoga meditation.There is also another Yoga meditation posture where chairs become a handy Yoga prop. Place a chair at the head of your Yoga mat. Lay down on your Yoga mat, with your feet facing the chair. Then place your lower legs on the seat of the chair. You will want to adjust your body, so that the lower legs are...more
The Purpose Of Yoga - Anger Management Secrets Of Listening required at the proper time.Detachment to outcome is a principle of Yoga and is covered in many scriptures. An ego driven person cannot be silent. He or she must always win every debate, conversation, or argument. There is too much of the “in your face” mindset on public display.Some politicians, and athletes, destroy their own careers - becoming known by their ego dr...more
Can Tai Chi or Yoga Ease Back Pain?
... are strengthening your back muscles, improving posture and bring into line the spine. Yoga practitioners believe that if you learn about your body, in this case your back, then you become more able to tune into the area of problems and make them better before they become really bad.Each one of the many Yoga positi...more
