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Building Stronger Arms Through Yoga
... now eager for me to demonstrate them to him.This made me wonder, just how many other yoga enthusiasts are of the mindset that Yoga may be inadequate for building arm strength.If you are such a person, nothing could be further from the truth.Yoga is fantastic for building strength in the arms and although you may never see y...more
Finding Inspiration - Can Other Students Help You Improve Your Yoga?
...and exercising their bodies can remind us of what we’re trying to achieve, and show us what may be achieved. This can be a source of enormous inspiration and motivation from seeing what can be achieved by the more able students in the class, more so than looking at the instructor.We expect the instructor to h...more
Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Yoga Teaching Service, Part 2
...ons as SPAM. If you want to save significant money, and do some of it yourself, buy a book which explains SEO in simplistic terms.One last point to bring up about SEO: There are only a few search engines that you really need to submit to. Start with these: Google, Yahoo, AOL, MSN, Ask, Netscape, Dog Pile, and Alta Vista.The above-mentioned eight search engines receive over...more
Want To Improve Your Life? Try Ashtanga Yoga a different term in western Yoga to describe what is in effect a form of Ashtanga Yoga. This term is Power Yoga. Power Yoga is modeled on Ashtanga yoga.The 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga are as follows:Asana is the discipline of performing Yoga exercises for the betterment of your body and spirit.Niyama is for taking control of your life. Control comes fro...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Gifts To Give Your Yoga Students
... something expensive? Would they benefit most from an electronic gift?Many people look at the word “gift” as a tangible present, but you can give Yoga students good memories and valuable lessons, which last a life time. Below are a few priceless gifts for Yoga students.Instill enough positive energy within them to become their own best Yoga teacher. A Yoga student must learn to develop full a...more
