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The Yoga Diet - Explaining Rajasic and Sattvic
...he Yoga Diet - Explaining Rajasic and Sattvic Yoga, and Ayurveda, classifies food into three categories: Rajasic, Satvic, and Tamasic. Let's discuss two of those three categories.Rajasic foods are stimulating and provide energy. Too much of these foods, which are sometimes high fat, can cause restlessness ...more
Hatha Yoga Myth - Losing Weight
...test weight loss secrets, have started to look deeper into a 5,000 year old science of life (Yoga) for solutions to obesity. Does Yoga really have solutions for those in search of a remedy to lose weight, or is this all just a bunch of "hype?"Firstly, Hatha Yoga was not designed for an inactive culture. Thousands of years ago, most people worked very hard to survive. Phy...more
Namaste Yoga For Healing And Health
...nction with other yoga practices. For example, a group could, as a sign of respect, hold the hands to together and bow the head to each other. Then, the group could proceed to do the sun salutation or any other yoga poses. Then, when the session has come to an end, the group again can use the Namaste yoga bow as a conclusion to the class.I have a tendency to do too much and yoga is all about rela...more
Vedic Astrology - Finding Wealth and Right Livelihood in Your Chart
...ents the advisor, coach, counselor and spiritual teacher - all of the things that I do in my work with others.The second house ruler is also important as it represents the skills and abilities you use in your career. Again, I have the moon (Cancer) ruling the 2nd house (speech) with the Sun (Leo) ruling the third house of writing. So it is totally natural for me to mak...more
Astral Projection in Yoga Practices - How to Become One With Everything
... you feel connected to everything, and feel a sense of true, undeniable and indescribably affinity to the energy field from which we all arise (mush like the wave would be foolish to hate the ocean) the notion of killing, war and destruction would be an untenable solution for problems...either in your own family, or in the world at large!I am, as you know, a big b...more
