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Introduction to the Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra System
...ough, books can easily be written on this topic this document will concentrate on providing the most important aspects of this profound science.Charkas are the center piece of the Yogic Energetic model of man. Chakra, which literally means wheel, is best thought of as a Multi-Dimensional Energy Vortex. By multi-dimensional I mean that a Chakra b...more
Yoga in Practice: World Peace think heaven will be like.We may not be able to create heaven on earth, but we can make small improvements. Therefore, world peace must start on the small scale within our homes, at work, in the ashram, and everywhere we go. Always help others and support groups that seek peaceful resolutions to violent con...more
Yoga Meditation 101: Breath Awareness and Posture
...ture What do you think of when you hear about Yoga meditation? Do you picture a Yoga teacher, Guru, mystic, monk, or priest, guiding a group through meditation? Are you a bit confused about the whole process of Yoga meditation? Let’s look at one of the many types of Yoga meditation and the benefits of da...more
Alternative Health Care Therapies
... diseases.3. Herbal medicine – perhaps the most popular of all the alternative health available, the herbal medicine has taken the world by storm. It has proved beyond any doubt that it is extremely efficient in treating and curing many fatal diseases. The herbal treatment harnesses the awesome power of the nature for providing relief and permanent ...more
Yoga Teachers Lead by Example (Part 1)
...tanding Yoga’s many facets.Why do, or did, you want to be a Yoga teacher in the first place? The most common reasons for becoming a Yoga teacher are your passion for Yoga and to share the gift that has changed your life. Your health and your personal Yoga practice are an integral part of the Yoga teaching vocation.Maybe you...more
