
Yoga Excercise And Strech Positions


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Astral Projection in Yoga Practices - How to Become One With Everything
...a reasonably common phenomenon. In the truest sense of the word, Yoga means "yolk" or union. Many astral projectors speak of the feeling on unity or "oneness" while out of the body. A major theme in most meditative traditions is the idea of "non-dual" realization, or for simplicities sake, there being no separation between ANYTHING in the manife...more
lshwarapranidhana (Devotion)
...touch, hearing, smell and taste, grasp specific stimuli alone. For example, the organ of sight grasps light rays, the organ of hearing grasps sound waves, and so on. Pratyahara means a withdrawal of the sense organs from their respective areas. This does not, of course, mean that a student of yoga actually stops seeing, or hearing, or touching objects of experience. That is not the idea impl...more
Yoga Practice Tips
... your strategy for achieving it. Make a schedule for when and where you wish to practice yoga, and stick to it. Try and be realistic in your planning and make target's achievable. Plan your yoga sessions around times when there are little distractions so you can keep good focus throughout.Finally, be patient and under...more
Yoga for Weight Loss
...o weight loss and fitness.What about yoga for those who struggle with self confidence when it comes to weight loss?Yoga can be an excellent tool to boost self confidence among these individuals. Yoga provides a safe way for these individuals to communicate with their body and clear out the self destructive messages. Yoga creates a rich flow of prana (life energy) in the body ...more
Meditation and Yoga, which is our real self. The practice of yoga enables us to discover the hidden meaning of life; yoga is a path to discover our real identity. In a sense there is nothing to realise, we only need to rediscover that which is currently hidden from our perspective."Yoga is union. It is the union of the individual soul with the Supreme Self. ...more
