
Positions Pratiques Yoga


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Marvelous Exercises Which Help You Lose Weight Like Crazy - Achieve Earth Shattering Results
...anent on yoga never gains weight. Therefore it is highly recommended to add some yoga into your routine and do it on a regular basis. Yoga not only helps you lose weight it also helps you increase your rate of metabolism thereby preventing you from gaining further weight no matter what you eat.Play- Yes...more
Types Of Yoga
...provide you with benefits in all three areas of body, mind and spirit. However, different types of yoga focus more on different areas. Where one may focus on the body, another will focus on the mind and yet another will focus on the spirit.The following is a quick outline of the more popular types of yoga that also describes where their focus lay:Body-...more
Hatha Yoga - The "Yoga of Postures" - The Ancient and Spiritual Path
... relaxed body. The word "Hatha" means "sun + moon", which symbolizes the opposite currents in the system of the human body. This is because Hatha Yoga depends on a set of exercises, which supply the body with positive and negative currents, and so, it neutralizes the harmful energies in the body and increases...more
5 Gifts to make Labor and Birth Easier
...crease stamina • Produce healthier babies and mothers • By working on breath control exercises, mothers are better able to use their breath to relax during labor.Make sure the class is Prenatal Yoga. For more information and other links go to www.yogajanda.com5. Feed her or do chores for her- For those who can’t afford to spend a lot, organize frien...more
Allergies - Yoga and Lifestyle
... be very beneficial, and some of the most promising anti-allergy herbs include: turmeric, Picrorhiza kurroa, Tinospora cordifolia, and Triphala. Taking Triphala helps "keep the colon clean," which reduces the buildup of improperly digested food remains, and their associated toxins.** Include detoxifying spices in your daily diet like turmeric w...more


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