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Astrological Influence Over Your Education
...udy of medicine in the Dhanistha.3. Learning of Astronomy and Astrology: The most auspicious constellations to commence the study are the Aswini, Punarvasu, Hasta, Swati, Moola and Revati.4. Learning of logic, grammar and philosophy: The good constellations for studying grammar are the Rohini, Mrigasara, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Dhanistha and Revati. Mercury - the...more
Become Stress Free and psychiatric professions not only are allowing relaxation techniques to be generally employed but are encouraging their use in hospitals, particularly in relation to stress related disorders.Stimuli, or situations that can trigger states of anxiety, are referred to as "stresses". These are many and varied and include for instance, the threat of job loss, marital disharmo...more
What is Yoga?
... it can help you. Achieve a balanced happy and useful life. Yoga is more than exercise. Yoga is spiritual and gives you much more than just a healthy body. It helps your mind and your spirituality as well.The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word "Yuj" meaning to yoke, join or unite. Yoga is meant to combine your physical, mental, and spiritual being to attain more ...more
How Long Does It Take to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher?
... surrounding yoga including: * Physical and individual growth * Basic understanding of anatomy * Focus on alignment when performing specific yoga positions * Practicing proper technique.Levels of CertificationThere are two widely recognized levels of yoga certification: The first is a 200-hour certification, which is something all prospective instructors should comple...more
Isn't it Time to Try Kundalini Yoga?
...mazing yoga, you’ll want professional guidance. Understanding more about how Kundalini works will help you achieve the results you seek, so a little private time with the books can help you as well. As with any yoga, it's best to learn Kundalini from an experienced instructor, who can help you focus your energy in...more


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