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Yoga - Breathing Correctly A Simple Exercise To Help You Feel Better Instantly!
...The ancient Yoga Masters believed that if you can control your breathing, i.e. breath correctly you can enhance your life.In Yoga the Yogis call the life energy Prana, and the Buddhists, Chi, but whatever you wish to call it, it is the energy that surrounds all life, all of creation and in the yoga philosophy we...more
Bored With Your Exercise Routine, Give Ballet Booty Yoga a Try
...ments that will help a woman tone "the booty" area of her body, the buttocks and surrounding area. These movements are combined with some of the ballot movements and yoga, also.As the program grew, both instructors soon realized that they had come up with a new, yet enjoyable form of yoga. By combining some of the basic movements of yoga to the basic ballet dances the exercise was enjoyabl...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Identify the Cause
... students track the situations, which cause them stress, is to have them carry a pocket diary. This may seem to be a useless exercise, at first, but a diary is a great way to track stress triggers in daily life.Once the cause of a stressful internal conflict is identified, it is much easier for someone to find reasonable solutions. There are many forms of ...more
The Effects of Yoga on Diabetes
...l and your own consciousness Various yoga techniques keep things interesting Willpower eXuberance for life Your well-being Zeal for lifeOkay, I get it, you want to know the effects on diabetes with Yoga. You know Yoga is the perfect solution to help improve your type 2 diabetes. Now, don't get me wrong, Yoga isn't the magic cure for type 2 di...more
Do Yoga Teachers Struggle for Success? and business skills, specific to teaching Yoga, would have helped.It has been said, “A leopard cannot change its spots,” which indicates that the inherent nature of something will not change. Now, if a new Yoga instructor finds that a weekend Yoga fitness certification was not adequate, go back to the "drawing...more
