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Yoga And Pilates - A Sensible Combination
...ile Yoga stresses the unity of mind, body and spirit and involves a combination of physical exercises, breathing exercises and meditation, Pilates is more physically inclined; it is, primarily, aimed at promoting flexibility, increase stamina and strength, reduce stress and cure ailments. Yoga is considered not just physically therapeutic but also mentally and spiritually. People take up Yoga no...more
Yoga in Practice: World Peace
...ia feels they would go out of business if they displayed a balanced view of humanity. “Feel good” stories are not front page news. Look at the number of people who waste their time watching nonsensical television programs. Who is to blame for this?We have to share the blame together, without pointing fingers; then take action to get balanced entertainment, innocence back in childhood,...more
Why Is Yoga So Popular In The West?
... benefits seem to be the biggest reason for the uptake of yoga in the west.Yoga is a very old form of meditation. It does not just stop at meditation, however it encompasses visioning, and some other aspects which could be termed as paranormal. So, why would anyone want to meditate, and why are so many people doing yoga meditation?In the west we have seen many chang...more
Yoga in Practice: Ajna Chakra
...tence of chakras is a point of contention to some. Yogis, and Yoginis, may practice balancing their chakras, while some religious fundamentalists feel this practice borders on witchcraft. However, let’s discuss one chakra that most everyone can identify with.Ajna chakra is referred to as the “third e...more
What Is Power Yoga - And How Does It Differ From Ashtanga?
...ated by Baron Baptiste. Baptiste studied with yoga teachers including Iyengar (Iyengar yoga), Pattabhi Jois (Astanga yoga), and Bikram Choundhury (Bikram yoga).Despite its physicality, Baptiste's Power yoga is based on the philosophy that self discovery, freedom, and truth are not to be found in either the dogma o...more
