
Basic Yoga Positions


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The Essence of Yoga
...hat were dangerously high. But to take you to higher realms of spirituality, you need to do something more than merely doing the asanas mechanically. It's a serious business - gaining total control over the body, mind and spirit.The preceptors of Yoga knew just how difficult this was. When maharishi Patanjali compiled the Yoga Sutras, he envisaged a progressive series of eight steps or...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga for Sciatica
...dent. Forward folds can easily be modified, by allowing the knees to bend.Encourage students, with sciatica, to be patient and steady with their yoga practice. The areas around the sciatic nerve, and nerve roots, must be strengthened and stabilized.Through specific sequences of poses, and moving properly between poses, circulation is improved in the pelvic re...more
Scoliosis Exercise: Yoga as an Effective Option for Pain Relief
...d problems, yoga is considered the best Scoliosis exercise. Yoga postures are helpful since they enable us to stretch our body.The most effective yoga exercises for the treatment of scoliosis-related problems include the Crocodile twist, the Supine knee chest twist, the passive back arch and the one leg up-one...more
Yoga For a Beginner
...e following are ideas you might want to consider as you begin your yoga journey.Types of Yoga It is a good idea when you are doing yoga as a beginner, that you choose a style that matches your fitness level, personality, and health condition. Review what each type of yoga has to offer so you can choose a class that is best suited to you.Yoga Instruction Y...more
The Secret About Yoga of a "codified" yoga, the book included many meanings to the modern term, yet focused on on three: Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga.Different Types of YogaAs the practice of yoga grew throughout India, it would become integral to everything from Hindu and Buddhist religious practices, the reaching of Moksha or to simply offer better overall health and physical performance through the pr...more
