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Yoga Weight Lifting Gloves Exercise Pilates Mats Plates Healthtechniques Info Information


Hatha Yoga - The Path to Focus and Concentration
...pture your attention.Here is a paradox of our society: Competition breeds success. Competition does achieve goals, but competition also creates unreasonable deadlines, which lead to excessive stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, heart problems, and premature death.Hence, the term "rat race" is quite fitting, when competition takes total control of our lives. One of the ironies of hea...more
Yoga Helps Back Pain
....My doctor doesn't want me to go to Chiropractor as it may cause more injury when twisting my neck because I have HBP (High Blood Pressure). So he gave me instead a stretching exercises to do at home. I followed his advise and I thought of something more effective.Well, I thought about Yoga. I bought this $9.99 video Yoga for begin...more
Learning Focus and Concentration Through Yoga room, yoga’s meditative quality causes your level of focus and concentration to heighten and strengthen with each session.Here's why; our brain functions at four levels of brainwave CPS Cycles Per Second) activity:1. Beta 13-40 CPS: Fully active, alert, thinking and engaged with your life at that moment.2. Alpha 7-12 CPS: A much slower rate of cycles per second; that dreamy sta...more
Practice Yoga as a Lifestyle and Enjoy Every Day
...e Yoga as a Lifestyle and Enjoy Every Day Starting your day off with a short Yoga session, can change your outlook for the entire day. Yet, there are some people who manage an eternally optimistic view of life and have never consciously practiced Yoga. If, or when, they visit a class, they will find themselves surrounded ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Discount Offers and Free Classes
...heart beat.” Forget about student loyalty, she could not get customer loyalty.What lessons have you learned from this? Never try to attract “customers” – instead cultivate Yoga classes with eager students who want to train with you, because they value Yoga. Yoga has many benefits, so why “sell it ...more


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