
Yoga Pilates Instructor


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Jnana Yoga - Intellectually Becoming God-Conscious
...tellectual exercise. We may learn about the omnipresence of God through the Vedic scriptures, but to actually experience the feeling of God, the aspirant has to perform some exercise that will transcend his limited intellect. This is done through meditating on the question "Who am I". The point of this exercise is eventually to come to the realization that "I" tr...more
Some Benefits of Yoga
...r not to start. And, there are more where these came from.Yoga Gives You Pain Management PowerOne of the greatest benefits of yoga is that it gives you the power to manage your own pain instead of having to depend on others, like massage therapist. Those who practice yoga develop a healthy body that is...more
Free Yoga Exercises Online
...mproving their fitness and strength or alternatively people use it for inner peace and well being. Whatever your reasons for trying yoga, just try to find out as much information as you can to make sure you get the best out of the work you will put in. Trying free yoga exercises online is an easy and che...more
Yoga To Avoid Lenses
...eyes for two seconds. Look to the right, left and front for two seconds. Close your eyes for 6-8 seconds. This completes one round. Start with 2-3 rounds and increase up to four rounds.2. Rub both palms together. Close the eyes and gently place the left palm over the left eye and the right palm over t...more
...e practice of Wanting Wanting Wanting will always leave you feeling unsatisfied.Brahmacharya can bring out many issues and energies as you begin to observe moderation - our addictions and ego rebel strenuously when they are not in control. When they arise, notice what the issues are, go deeper into your practice and discover your true motivations.Ask yourself what is your purpose in yo...more
