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My Experience with Bikram Yoga
...ans to control the ongoing complaint in all of our lives, stress. Optimum health is the ultimate goal for everyone of us. Health does not just refer to our physical beings but also to our mental attitudes and spiritual growth.Bikram or hot yoga addresses emotional as well as physical well being and flexibility. When I visited my daughter in Calif...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Cueing Insights
...nts, on your way, to or from, Dave. Never intentionally draw attention to the student who has difficulty. We teach Yoga, and we must show compassion for our students, at all times.The “You can’t do anything right in my Yoga class” InstructorRemember Ahimsa (non-injury) and always to cue with a constructive purpose. If the purpos...more
The Spirit of Compassion
...e gifts that life bestows upon us in every moment. Karuna Yoga, as I have pioneered it, is an invitation to open to pain, your own and others, without retreating or guarding your heart.We cannot, nor should we, feel responsible for making someone else's pain go away- for at times the struggle is part of the natural evolution of things. I...more
Hatha Yoga for Beginners: Discover Peace of Mind
...urity is a result of lack of faith. Yoga can help you find faith again. Everyone who practices Yoga long enough understands the Yogic aspect of spiritual health. You do not have to be any particular religion to find your spiritual side. Yoga is universal, non-threatening, and does not discriminate.Past failures drain us of life energy, if we do not put them...more
What is Yoga? achieve health, long life, and ultimately, enlightenment. Thus, the Sanskrit word yoga means union with or to join. This union with the divine is achieved through the disciplined practice of specific exercises, meditation and breath work.Yoga is essentially a lifestyle, dealing with all the aspects of our being...more
