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Yoga Mats
...e: the durability, the comfort, weight and ability to fold. A major essential element in a yoga mat is its ability to grip the floor so that the user does not slip or slide on the floor during the posture. Yoga mats are generally 4-5mm thick, since these mats can be stiff enough not to crease on the floor while b...more
Yoga in Practice: Bhakti Yoga
...irly strong foothold outside India, as well. All of these forms of Yoga have many aspects, but the physical aspect is what lures most Yoga students - outside of India.Bhakti Yoga, on the other hand, is a spiritual form of Yoga and is very commonly practiced within India. Bhakti Yoga is union by love and devotion to God. Therefore, this is the form of Yoga that really does have a deep sp...more
Benefiting From Your Yoga Practice
...epending on the form you practice, can be exciting or calming, social or meditative, energizing or relaxing. No matter which of these best describes your yoga class, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of every class you attend.* Go to yoga class with an empty stomach. Yoga is full bending, twisting, lengtheni...more
Alternative Therapy for Arthritis: 3 Great Options
...t cause an allergic reaction.Here is an excellent recipe for an arthritis massage oil. You should always add essential oils to carrier oil when making massage oil. This means that you should add 10-20 drops of essential oil to 1 ounce of carrier oil. You can choose sweet almond or olive as a carrier oil for an arthritis massage oil. Mix 1 ounce of carrier oil, 3 drops of V...more
Have a Health Problem? Yoga Can Solve It - Part 3
...Poses and the Backward bending Exercises40. Waistline-to reduce and firm: Sun Salutations, Inverted Poses, Spinal Twists, Triangle Poses, Balancing exercises41. Wrinkles: inverted Poses, head to knee poses, Sun Salutations and the balancing exercises.There you have it, the comprehensive list of what pose can help with any ailment you...more
