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The Power Behind Yoga - See How Practicing Yoga Heals the Human Body
... a healthy balance.Continuous stress increases levels of cortisol in our body, which in turn suppresses the immune system resulting in serious health problems like those mentioned above and other symptoms like sleep disturbances, loss of sex drive and loss of appetite. Stress can cause wear and tear on organs as well, a symptom that might not be immediately apparent, but take...more
Top 5 Myths about Yoga
...verybodyhas right of freedom , be it a renunciates or a householder. In fact it ismuch difficult to remember God when doing day to day duties. Those who wantto achieve results quickly can devote themselves completely for “Sadhana”but others can very well do it by following their daily routines. Yogic signs of progress can not be seen in modern...more
Why is Teaching Yoga so Rewarding? Part 1
...ratification of helping others, on a daily basis, is spontaneous. This cultivates positive energy from within the core of your inner being. You give the gift of Yoga, but you share positive energy, and usually walk away with more energy than you had before you taught a Yoga class.Being able to make your own hours is a priceless benefit for Yoga teachers. You do not have to be in traffic duri...more
Understanding the Benefits of Yoga
... with overpowering chronic conditions. For some, all they may need is muscle and body strengthening which yoga can provide to relieve pain. Others may need more intensive techniques to bring about calmness and natural pain relief. In some cases, chronic pain sufferers may have to be aided into achieving whole new per...more
...history. Yoga was formally documented around 200BC by one of India's most famous Yoga masters, Patanjali, who wrote the 'Yoga Sutras'.Traditionally though, the ancient art of Yoga is passed down from Master to student and so on.However, throughout the years, Yoga has undergone many changes and new streams o...more


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