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Universal Laws of Yoga - Part 2
...nalysis by observing your past, future, and present. Visualize what you can change and learn from what you cannot. Meditate, pray, and practice your breathing (Pranayama).Selfless service for the common good is rewarding for the inner and outer self. You do not have to join a group to help others, but a group will have more ability to help than a single person. Either way, help...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Wheel
...ay not hold for other people. There are many health conditions in which it is suggested that Wheel posture is not recommended.Three important reasons (out of many) not to do Wheel:1) Any person with weak wrists should not attempt this powerful pose.2) In case of back injury avoid this posture.3) During pregnancy this asana is not to be performed.Issued ...more
The Essence Of Kundalini Yoga
...iled serpent at the base of the spine. The coiled state of the kundalini represents the unmanifested spiritual power and consciousness of humansThe main purpose of Kundalini Yoga is to awaken this Kundalini energy which gradually takes the practitioner to progressively elevated levels of consciousness. The ...more
Herbal Medicines For Type II Diabetes
...swings in blood glucose levels after meals. Guar gum, oat bran, and different Nigerian beans are being studied, as well as plants such as "karela" which is used in India.Some everyday foods - for example onions, cabbage, potatoes, garlic, and fenugreek seeds - contain natural plant chemicals that play a part in lowering blood glucose levels. The problem is that v...more
Getting Bent Into Shape In Texas - Or Yoga For Beginners
...ginated. So quite literally, you can say Yoga is the union that happens between mind, body and spirit.But Yoga is probably more accurately described in Sanskrit as "asana," which is the practice of physical postures or poses. And yet, Asana is only one of the eight types of Yoga. The majority of Yoga practices involve ...more


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