
Pilates Yoga Studio


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Sanskrit Baby Names
...shna (black or dark), Ajit (Invincible), Shiva (benign, kind, or auspicious), and Indra (possessing drops of rain) are Hindu male baby names. Laksmi (sign or mark), and Sita (furrow) are Hindu female baby names. Krishna, Shiva, and Indra are the names of Hindu gods. Krishna is a Hindu god who is incarnated from god V...more
The Four Paths of Yoga
...Shiva Pashupati, was discovered by a British archaeologist, Sir John Hubert Marshall. With this discovery, archaeological evidence started shedding light to support the belief that the practice of yoga began 5,000 years ago.Another expert, David Frawley, who is a Vedic scholar, claims that yoga dates back to the earliest Hindu writing,...more
Pilates vs Yoga
...k that the practice of Pilates is an actual derivative of the ancient art of Yoga. Due to several similarities, the state of confusion is actually quite understandable, until you look beyond the surface.There is actually quite a considerable amount of differences between the two ancient arts of meditation and exercise. Ancient documents tell us that yoga likely began in South Asia while Pilates...more
What's the Best Program to Get Certified to Teach Yoga?
... to a wide range of students.Their yoga certification courses will prepare you to bring yoga into mainstream health clubs and gyms, allowing you to teach to people that might not have regular access to yoga classes.They state that they offer yoga certification workshops for all levels of trainers, so whether you're just starting out or yo...more
Yoga Tips For Happiness Off The Yoga Mat
...ay attention to Pranayama practice, while you are in your Yoga classes. Many Yoga students do not learn the value of Pranayama.Pranayama is the master of your mind. Pranayama is the fundamental link between mind and body. Pranayama will improve your health, but you should learn Pranayama from a Yoga teacher.Kapalabhati Pran...more


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