
Pilates Yoga Dance


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What Is Yoga?
... the Hindu philosophy used to attain spiritual insight and harmony.Yoga generally refers to the common use of a system of exercises that is practiced as part of this discipline.The word is derived from the Sanskrit “yeung”, which means to join. A yoke as used on oxen is closely related, but also the same root gives us "join", "junction", "junta", "adjust", "joust", and "juxa...more
How to Make Up Your Own Yoga Routine At Home (part 2)
...salutations which would serve as the warm up routine of our yoga session.Admittedly, in as much as I am aware that most people do try to use Yoga for spiritual benefits, the truth is we still would want to see its benefits for the body such as toning, strengthening and training.Now let’s target the trouble spots.Abdominal Region: The Forward Bending Pose, th...more
The Health Benefits Provided by the Practice of Yoga
...hing. It also lowers blood pressure and heart rates. It improves lung efficiency and improves other situations like chronic fatigue, diabetes and digestive disorders.The onslaught of aging can also be relatively slowed down through yoga. Aging is the result of autointoxication. By keeping the body clean, flexible and well lubricated helps reduce ...more
Yoga Stress Relief
...lated problems from migraines to insomnia. It is a leading cause of weight gain, high blood pressure, poor digestion and other diseases. In fact, it has been said that stress is the leading cause of disease in America today.With all the stress that the body is subjected to, it is no wonder that the nervous system of many people is completely...more
...age with freebies on the side?How about none of the above?Tantra is revealed as a practical and yes, “respectable” yoga that slows the aging process, utilizes sexual energy for health, joy, peace and love. Great sex is a by-product of this ancient yoga.While other yoga and fitness practices focus on the external muscles ...more
