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Yoga Certification in New Jersey way to get started. Learning to teach simple yoga techniques such as hatha yoga will help you get your foot in the door and build a basic clientele for your yoga studio. Yoga certification in New Jersey offers many new and exciting opportunities for you and your new students.There are additiona...more
Yoga Options for Managing Anxiety
... it may require a longer session to give you relief, if negative energy is “getting out of hand.”The study of Yoga requires your commitment to make a personal appointment with yourself. Do you have the time to take care of your health? This requires pro-active thinking on your part, because most of the world reacts to health problems.Setting a time of the day for a Yoga lesson, ...more
Yoga for Kids
...g pregnant women. It helps them to handle the pain of pregnancy, labor and childbirth as well as proper breathing techniques. But what about yoga for kids? It makes since that they are stressed with school, peer pressure, sports, and all the other everyday stress that comes with life.Yoga has also been popular for kids lately and it is having a positive response. With yoga ki...more
Five Reasons Why You Should Not be a Yoga Teacher
...riety of Yoga correspondence courses, which allow flexible study hours, little or no travel, and no extra expenses. My wellness center offers such a Yoga course, and we have interns and graduates worldwide.“I only want to teach Yoga to a few students and I don’t want to go into the Yoga business.”Many Yoga practitioners feel this way and that’s fine. This is not a proble...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Where to Begin
...ritual conditioning of a Yoga teacher, seems like fiction.Stress is a chemical message to the body from the brain, which is very basic. This "fight or flight" message is very primal, and saved our ancestors lives, throughout the history of humankind. When we perceive a threat, our brain signals the adrena...more
