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The Benefits of Chanting
...ind focus on a particular thought, which results in lowering stress levels. Chanting has a considerable effect on the mental health of a person as it helps in cutting down stress and gives rise to a feel good factor. But how much one actually benefits depends largely on one’s own belief in this.A word of caution though: Chanting should...more
Yoga Instructor Salary - Is Money Evil?
...ny of them give to charity, but some do not. Therefore, having more money does not affect the behavior of giving. Many of the poor give to charity, and some do not.Is money (earning a living) the root of all evil? If this is true, then we should give up and do our best to live a poor life of bad health and starvation. Wait a minute: Yogic philosophy is about ending...more
Free Yoga Exercises Online
... is recommended that you try the various free yoga exercises online to find one which you can perform easily. Some of them can be tricky and involve a lot of strength but if you are just beginning, then take things slow.A yoga pose which can help with diet and weight loss, especially around the stomach area is the Bow pose. It is great for toning up the abdominal muscles as well as streng...more
Everything People Need To Know About Yoga
...oga that help to rejuvenate the body and teach spirituality aspects of yoga. This type of yoga can be done alone or it can be combined with poses and postures.Darhana - this type of yoga develops the concentration; it teaches the person how to avoid the pitfalls of distraction that lead to confusion. The whole idea behind this t...more
What Is the Difference Between a CYT-Certified Yoga Teacher and RYT-Registered Yoga Teacher?
...e between being certified and being registered as a yoga instructor. You may teach yoga as either a CYT or an RYT. The difference comes from being registered with the Yoga Alliance after a certain level of training has been completed, according to their requirements.The Yoga Alliance publishes their requirements for the RYT on their website. As of this writing, they are the only recognized asso...more


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