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How to Use Yoga to Alleviate Stress
...y advanced as we may be we are still creatures with animal instincts. As we walk the fine line between modern life and our animalistic characteristics, we often times are left to find balance in our bodies, our minds, our environment, in our lives. That’s where Yoga comes in.As a result of being more inactive than e...more
Yoga and MS
...ion to its cause. Because those who have family members with MS are at a slightly increased risk, there is speculation that it may be somewhat genetic. There also seems to be a link between where a person lived as a child and getting the disease as an adult. Those who grew up in colder climates, farther from the equator than other geographical locations are more likely to get it, sugges...more
The Truth About Options for Yoga Teachers; Part 2
...y different continuing education options available for Yoga teachers. There are a number of workshops, seminars, and camps around the world for interns and established Yoga teachers.If you already have a running Yoga studio, children, or responsibilities at home, onsite Yoga teacher training may not always be the best option. You may want to consider Yog...more
Yoga - Various Types And Various Reasons
...t practiced for at least an hour every day. Bhakti yoga is usually chosen by those who are dominantly emotional, Jnana Yoga is predominantly chosen for those who are dominantly intellectual and for those who seek to attune their will with the higher self choose Raja and Karma. At the beginning devotee...more
The Power Behind Yoga - See How Practicing Yoga Heals the Human Body
...use. A sudden increase in heart rate, blood pressure, shallow breathing, muscle tensing and excessive sweating are signs that a natural stress reaction is in full-swing! Our bodies, through our nervous system, can handle some of the stress easily and naturally, but many of us (most of us) are on overload -- we can be u...more
