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Yoga in Practice: Train Your Mind for Empowerment, Part 3
...our plans.This does not mean you should give up, but the best laid plans are subject to change, at any moment. We cannot control nature, or the universe, so we have to “roll with the punches.” Whether the outcome is good or bad, we have to adapt to this life the best we can, and we should be creative al...more
You Can Learn Yoga From A Yoga Retreat Destination
...t requires a lot of running around and planning. Why not try a week at a relaxing yoga retreat, where you will leave with a deep-seated serenity and awareness?You can go anywhere from India to Mexico in search of rejuvenation and spiritual connectedness. With a combination of yoga, massages, jacuzzi tubs and healthy eating, a yoga retreat is more than just a vacation -- it's a whole...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga, Pranayama, and Cancer Recovery
..., or yoga breathing, focuses on specific breathing exercises that invoke relaxation and enhance optimum recovery. Yoga instruction often employs guided relaxation, meditation, breath awareness, visualization techniques, and guided breathing exercises.Students are guided to find a peaceful place, where they ...more
Yoga for Mothers
...ther when I started going for the classes, read about them in books, magazines and websites. This amazing method can help mothers regain their physical strength and sends them into a journey of self-discovery and improvement. Instead of helping you deal with others, in Yoga, everything starts from within. Therefore, to solve a problem, you have to go inside.And inside a mother, it’s alwa...more
Yoga - A Path To Peace
...tended a conference in Florida to work with a wonderful group of people in the medical and related health fields. We were all together because of our interest in different ways to treat the obesity epidemic. Once the conference was over, several of us decided to sit outside and enjoy the afternoon sun. Our conversations covered many top...more
