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Yoga in Practice - Taking Control of Your Life
...gories. People will say their life will be better, worse, or the same. In each case, their viewpoint is a reflection of the personality, the surrounding environment, and their attitude.If your personality is optimistic, you will naturally look forward to each challenge “life throws at you.” If you are pessimistic, you will respon...more
Becoming a Yoga Instructor - Is it a Good Fit for Me?
... yoga instructor.Whether you're thinking of leaving your current job, or simply supplementing your income, becoming a yoga instructor may be the change you're craving. Deciding whether it's a good fit for you will require you to do some soul-searching. Take inventory of your own yoga experience and see if you relate to any of these benefits to teaching the art yourself:* Have I...more
Stress-Free Parenting - Three Simple Yoga Stretches to Help Parents Reconnect and Enjoy Parenting yourself feel better and, find a way to make constructive changes in your son/daughter's life and their behavior? How do you reconnect with your child and enjoy being with them?The Benefits of Yoga for ParentsThe practice of yoga is a powerful way to calm the mind and release strain and tension in your body. Yoga exercises help you learn ...more
Nude Yoga and Naked Aerobics
... if I may say so because you can concentrate more on building those muscles or firming those gluts.Naked aerobics yoga is a good exercise and does exist. In fact, quite a few people really prefer doing nude yoga. It helps articulate your natural emotions and let you speak for yourself. Nudity adds to the physical and emotional health of the individual. After all, it’s nice to feel the natura...more
The Essence of Yoga
...nd the practitioner is free to meditate without distractions.Dharana - Focus, the object being focused upon is held in the mind without consciousness wavering from it. Dhyana - Meditation. As the meditator becomes more advanced, consciousness of the act of meditation disappears, and only the consciousness of being/existing ...more
