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Did You Get Hurt Taking Yoga?
... was invented to help everyone, no matter what their physical ailments are. The word yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning joining. It was developed to join the body, mind and spirit of an individual into an integrated human being. When we are integrated, we are more able to interface with the outside world. We become more harmonious and more effective in all of our interactions. Ou...more
Building Stronger Arms Through Yoga endurance building poses such as the Wheel, Bow, Peacock and Crow Poses-with their variations-for a good enough length of time (say an average of 90 seconds and beyond), I discovered by sheer chance that in increasing the number of rounds of the Sun-Salutations (Exercises) mentioned earlier to at least 24 straight rounds, I could hold any of the poses above for a quite a while.It...more
Introduction to the Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra System
...a: Solar Plexus: Digestive Systems: Willpower & Anger4. Anahata (Heart) Chakra: Center of the Chest: Circulatory and Respiratory Systems: Love5. Vishuddhi (Throat) Chakra: Throat: Auditory and Speech Systems: Communication6. Ajna (3rd Eye): Center of head, directly in line with center of forehead: Eyes & Perception: Intuition7. Sahasrara (Crown): Top of Head: Brain a...more
Don't Focus on Failure a certain point in life? Did you learn from your past mistakes? Of course you did, and now you are stronger due to the corrective adjustments, you have made.When a child learns to ride a bicycle, there are plenty of falls along the way, and then the falling stops. However, even skilled adults fall off bicycles, sometimes.So, don’t take pa...more
Weight Loss and Yoga - Estranged Bed Partners?
...slowly into a handstand.These exercise strengthen the whole shoulder girdle. These also help build up core muscles and enhance the body’s overall stamina.BRIDGE1. Lie down, faceup on the floor and then put the knees up, then feet flat and grasp ankles using the hand, drawing the heels close to the butt. Inhale, thrust the belly ...more
