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How To Find Yoga Classes
...cise class?Some gyms and studios may want you to sign up for a long-running class and pay upfront. Avoid doing this unless you have tried the class out, especially if you are new to yoga. You do not want to pay hundreds of dollars for months of yoga classes only to find out that you do not like yoga or the...more
Bikram Yoga
...kram Yoga there are a few things you should know about it first. Unlike aerobic exercises that get your heartrate going Bikram yoga does not require such specifics. The main purpose of this type of yoga is to restrict the blood flow in the vessels and veins and then suddenly releasing the pressure causing the ...more
Yoga in Practice - The Organized State of Mind
...he solution to solve the next step. In the case of organizing the mind, the first step is to contemplate each solution - one at a time. If you have time, after a Yoga session, make a habit of writing ideas on paper, or enter them on your PC.The act of writing about a perceived solution will more likely result in taking positive action. Rather than, finding a solution, and ...more
Dangers of Kundalini Yoga
...rticular path of yoga, which amongst other things can offer a seeker tremendous occult power. Kundalini yoga seeks to open up the different charkas or energy centers. If an aspirant is successful he will be able to have access to these yogic powers.The first danger of awakening the Kundalini powers is that they can be easily misused. If we open ...more
Become a Certified Yoga Teacher - Do You Have a Passion for Your Job?
... people go work. Usually, most people receive one, or two, of the three prime motivators by going to work.Many people go to work for a pay check, to bring money home for their families. There is nothing wrong with this because many people scratch out an income to survive. We could consider employment to be a 21st century survival tactic, but while the cost of li...more
