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Practice Hatha Yoga for Happiness
...a off the mat.”You can practice loving kindness by giving to others. Let someone in front of you, while you are in traffic, or help someone in need. If you have no money, loving kindness does not have to be material. Karma Yoga is selfless service; all you have to do is help or listen to someone who needs you.Lastly, every time you give, help, or listen, it “c...more
Yoga and The Da Vinci Code
...sue the real truth. In the long run, this may be one of the best things to happen to Christianity in a long time. Yet, it took many centuries for this to happen. Just look at how long it has taken to clear Mary Magdalene’s name from alleged reformed prostitute to a person who had the inside story on the crucifixio...more
The ABC's of Kundalini Yoga
... centers of counsciousness, or the Seven Chakras, in the human body. Each of these Chakras gives a particular gift and adventure when triggered.For a full understanding of Kundalini yoga and the maneuver of the so-called "snake", you should also have a sufficient education on the nervous system, especially on the spinal cord. It is concluded that the Seven Chakras are located in this...more
Yoga Off the Mat - A Lesson From the Ocean
...question not the answer. It is the place from which we start, not the end that we aspire to.My vision of yoga these days is about aligning with my most authentic self and supporting others in doing the same. And whether I learn it balancing in Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand), chanting a mantra, sitting by the ocean's edge watching th...more
Yoga Exercises For Weight Loss: The Best Way To Healthy & Fit Life
...on to your obesity, you must know that yoga won't give you immediate result. You need to be a little patient. This gradual weight loss process would last from two weeks to six months. If you happen to be making your maiden tryst with yoga, you should better take up easy postures at first. And once you get the comfort level, you can opt for rigorous yoga workouts.Hatha Yoga exercises have been fo...more
