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Teaching Yoga - A Great Job, Even in a Tough Economy
... These people work “regular hours” and have a little bit of job security. At the very least, they know what they will earn this week; at a time when job security has become a myth.Becoming a Yoga teacher is a big investment - while families are struggling to avoid foreclosures. Unfortunately, families require mone...more
Yoga - Harmony Of Body
...that his “I” it is incomplete. In order to obtain the union of all the aspects in one, yoga proposes a set of directed techniques to reach an only destiny: an individual personality, where all the aspects are integrated that form our person.The more habitual ways or techniques to reach this objective are:The Hatha yoga, starti...more
A Cardio Snob's Workout
...ities to save you from burnout (see list below).Perform 1 of these activities at least 30 minutes (45 or 60 minutes if your schedule allows) 4 times a week. This should include a 3-5 min warmup and 3-5 min cool down (you can stretch while you wait in the deli line).Perform strength training moves using free weights, stability ball or nautilus machines for 30 minutes (preferably 45 or 60 mi...more
Yoga in Practice: Teaching Yoga
...epends upon finding your purpose (dharma). When you have found your purpose in life, you are living a fulfilled life. Whatever you do in life, helping friends, family, and associates will give you the greatest satisfaction.If you are feeling incomplete, at this time, write down your passions, reflect on them, an...more
Dhyana Meditation for Fitness
...y the process of desire-desire to attain success, to become Important, to have power, and soon. We usually get caught up easily in an endless circle of achievement and further achievement. Vairagya can dawn only upon a mind which has come to realize the futility of the process of desire and achievement. There are three techniques in yoga in terms of which the state of vaira...more


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