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Yoga is a Fun Way of Promoting a Healthier Looking Body
...ows through the body using a system of energy channels (nadis) which intersect to form chakras. Pranayama (breathing control) helps to improve the flow of prana through our bodies by clearing the nadis (energy channels) to allow prana to flow through more easily. Meditation on a particular chakra can also bring about better flow of energy through it.Dedicated asana (p...more
Making Sure You Pick the Right Yoga Class
...o stay in those poses). Suppose you walk into class with an injury (perhaps you strained your neck in the middle of the night, or pulled a back muscle getting out of bed). If your instructor isn't aware of this at the beginning of class, by the end of class you may be in more pain than when you started.By all means, pick a yoga class you like-that's the...more
Promoting Your Website Through Writing Articles
...uences. Also it may depend on your goals of writing articles. If it is really good article publishing it in more than one place may give you the benefit of having many people reading it. However I would be careful about doing this too much, especially since google is likely to be working to devalue this SEO ...more
Yoga And The Good Samaritan
... easily answer, "Yoga means union." "Union of what?" you may say. Whether you believe Yoga is the union of mind, body, and spirit, or the union of your soul (jiva) with God, Yoga is a life changing method, which has improved peoples’ lives for thousands of years.When seeking a Yoga teacher, people are confused about the qualifications....more
The Truth About Options for Yoga Teachers, Part 4
...s, props, and tailoring a Yoga class toward the students, he or she should stay away from this rewarding field.There is a tremendously large demand for Yoga teachers, who are patient, compassionate, creative, and want to help others. This is a Yoga teaching position which demands that you learn about ailments, anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and physiology, on...more


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