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Secrets of Exceptional Yoga Teachers, Part 2
..., and possibly the spiritual benefits of Yoga. As a result, you will become a better Yoga teacher than you imagined.The responsibility just comes with leadership and being self-employed. An independent mind-set is ingrained through the daily routine of handling your own affairs. You are in charge of your own finances, h...more
lshwarapranidhana (Devotion)
...s a withdrawal of the sense organs from their respective areas. This does not, of course, mean that a student of yoga actually stops seeing, or hearing, or touching objects of experience. That is not the idea implied in pratyahara. It really means a detachment of the mind. i.e. a complete cessation of the urge for enjoym...more
Again, Here are Some of the Benefits of Doing Yoga
...pains3. Posture Improvement4. Weight normalization5. Increase in Muscular flexibility6. Increase in Energy LevelsI think to really understand the main benefit of doing yoga, one must realize that all its limbs and components (Diet, meditation, breathing exercises, and postures) when applied properly, work to...more
Yoga For Nurses With Back Pain
...heir nurses one hour a week in house to exercise and address the 'pain' whether shoulder or back with yoga classes.Our healthcare system is really messed up. Of 47 nursing staff at an acute care hospital, the reported occurrence of some form of back pain during their career was found to be 80.As the number of manual handling injuries in carers and nurses conti...more
The Purpose Of Yoga
... of several different systems to produce a whole overall outcome which seems to be greater than the sum of its parts. For example, the increased ability to relax may help the ability to perform, the strengthening of the physical body helps the emotional output to be brought under control. All specific benefits of yoga, when practiced regularly, work together for the overall ...more
