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Hatha Yoga
...our mind in preparation for meditation to free your spirit.Pratyahara: Pratyahara is withdrawing the senses to facilitate Dharana (concentration or focus)Dharana: Dharana is meant to help you focus or concentrate better also allowing you to use chants to free your spiritual mind.Dhyana: Dhyana is an enhanced form of meditation where the concentration is focused on a sing...more
Sweatin' with the Yogis
...s?Awkward Pose: What a suitable name. A seated, or better yet, squatting pose with knees bent and buttocks near the heels. To add difficulty, all this is done on the balls of your feet with arms held straight out in front. By the second repetition my thighs and upper arm muscles felt hotter than the...more
Hatha Yoga - The Path to Focus and Concentration
...r, it is still hard to get the vast majority of adults, to understand the many deeper benefits of steady practice.Outside of India, the vast majority of public exposure to Yoga is in health clubs. Due to the exposure of Yoga as a "fitness system," the main emphasis becomes a low impact form of weight loss. It is true that the flowing forms of Yoga can be boiled down t...more
Yoga To Avoid Lenses
...iences in which yoga plays a significant role. A yoga routine replete with asanas, pranayama and meditation helps in achieving peace and tranquility.Yogic Eye Exercises1. Sit in the Sukhasana (easy pose) with legs crossed and your spine, neck and head in a straight line. Look directly to the front at eye-level and breathe normally. Move your eyes upward and downwards stay for two...more
What Is Mantra Yoga?
...ases in Vedas are used for this purpose.This was a way to gain knowledge about the universe and find unison in you. When the mantras are chanted it helps in keeping the individual away from the material world and be focused on the essentials of life. It is also a way to supreme consciousness which was a part of mans life.By doing the Mantra Yoga yo...more
