
Free Online Yoga Poses


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Yoga, Diet, & Fitness - How Do They Relate?
...ease your metabolism.Fitness - Exercise is also essential to being healthy increasing your fitness level. In addition to becoming physically fit, exercise can increase self-esteem and improve your mood. During exercise the body produces endorphins. Endorphins are natural chemicals the body can produce that are associated with feelings of euphoria and peace. If you are new to exercise, it is imp...more
3 Benefits of Yoga in Your Life
...s that is associated with yoga. During your lifetime you will have many different ailments that aren't life threatening, but sometimes can cause you problems in your life. By getting more in attuned with your body you will be able to slow these ailments down and control them much better without the needs of medicine in your system all the time. This is one advantage ...more
These Yoga Abdominal Exercises will Literally Crush the Gut
...e Bow Pose:This simple pose involves laying flat on your belly and grabbing your ankles with both arms while simultaneously lifting your head up high. When performed correctly, you should be resting on your abdomen. Needless to say, it is a pose commonly recommended for weight loss and the prevention and correction of chronic constipation.-The Pea...more
Detoxify Your Body and Clear Your Mind With Ashtanga Yoga
... energizing and at the same time relaxing me. This type of breath is also said to heat the body, which is important for me since I always feel cold and don't sweat much.Ujjayi engages me; it encourages me to remain focused on the practice. If my mind begins to wander, the beautiful sound of the breath is lost and becomes uneven, remindi...more
Yoga Tips for Managing Anxiety and Cultivating Positive Energy
...anaging Anxiety and Cultivating Positive Energy Pranayama is a wonderful method to reduce anxiety. Pranayama originates from two Sanskrit words, “Prana,” which means universal energy, and “Yama,” which means restraint.In effect, Pranayama is the cultivation of universal energy through breath. You have the...more
